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Rate Building Strategies

How can I help my learners increase their reading rate? 


With the amount of reading your learners do in college, it is important for them to be able to read and understand quickly. Anderson (2014), an ESL reading specialist, recommends that learners read at least 200 words per min (wpm), with 70% comprehension. Learners can increase their reading rate by practicing these drills often and on texts at their level. These reading rate drills are not only good for building your learners reading speed, they can also be used for reading activities. Learners can use them as a warm-up or as a reading rate check.  These drills can also be used as previewing and reviewing strategies. These drills can be a fun way to motivate learners to stay focused. 


Repeated Reading


Paced Reading


Rate Push-Down


Rate Build-Up


Shadow Reading



A stopwatch or way of tracking their reading rate is required (to learn more about how to find your reading rate click here; to do an online reading rate check click here)​. As learners do these drills, they should also be monitoring their comprehension (to focus on comprehension try these strategies).

To learn more about these strategies see, Frank (1990) pages 158-165 and Anderson, pages 130-132.


© 2013 by Rebecca Stone

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