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Rate Build-Up

In this drill learners will rereading the material as many as three or four times. Because they have read the material before, their eyes should move more quickly over the "old" material and they should be able to read more words each time. Keep in mind that they are not just skimming the material, they should be processing and comprehending it as well.


Learners will need two things:

  • a 60-second (or one minute) timer

  • something to read around their level 


​Rate Build-Up Steps:

​1) Read for one minute and mark where they end

2) Check comprehension and calculate their reading speed or rate

3) Reread the same material while trying to read a little more for one minute and mark where they end

4) Check their comprehension and calculate their reading rate

5) Repeat steps one through four a few more times (for a total of three to four readings)

After each reading learners should not only read more words, but should also be able to remember more of what they read. 


A variation of this drill, called Rate Push-up, also uses Steps One to Two. However, instead of reading for one minute and seeing how far they get, learners set a new goal/mark. ​


Rate Push-Up Variation Steps​:

3) Place a new mark that doubles the amount of material read (if they read 15 lines, they would put a mark at line 30)

4) Start reading from the beginning and try to reach the new mark in one-minute.

5) Repeat until they can reach their new mark The same rules apply here. After each step remember to check your comprehension. 

To learn more about these strategies see, Frank (1990) pages 158-165 and Anderson (2009) pages 130-132.


© 2013 by Rebecca Stone

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