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Repeated Reading

For this drill learners will repeatedly read the same material. Each time they reread they are trying to increase their speed while reading the same amount of text. Learners will need two things:

  • a stop watch (could be a watch with a second hand, or an electronic stop watch on a computer or phone),

  • something to read around their level (anything they want to or need to read)

​Repeated Reading Steps​:

1) Set a reading fluency goal (ex. 200 wpm and 70% comprehension)

2) Mark the reading rate goal in the text (ex. If their goal is 200 wpm make a mark at 200 words)

3) Time themselves as they read the marked section

4) Check their time and comprehension with their goal

5) Repeat steps three & four until they reach their goal


*A simple variation to this would be to mark off a 200 word section and read those 200 words three times in three minutes.

To learn more about these strategies see, Frank (1990) pages 158-165 and Anderson (2009) pages 130-132.


© 2013 by Rebecca Stone

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