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Comprehension Building Skills

​How can learners remember and understand what they read? 

These are a few skills and strategies to help your learners better understand their textbooks and college reading. Often times, learners get stuck on unknown vocabulary words. Use these vocabulary strategies to help your learners understand and learn vocabulary while they read. In addition to vocabulary, doing structured multiple readings of a text will help learners activate background knowledge (remember what they already know), make connections with the text, and remember what they have read.  

​​Vocabulary Learning Strategies​
Learners often struggle to remember and apply new words because they rely on dictionary definitions. These strategies help learners understand new words in context, learn more than the dictionary definition and read more fluently. 


Vocabulary In-context Strategies​​​​

These strategies increase learners read fluently as they allow learners to quickly comprehend the meaning by using the context. When used correctly these strategies allow learners to understand without taking time to stop and look up unknown words in the dictionary.

​​Multiple Readings â€‹

Reading a text multiple times can increase learners understanding and rate.  Layered reading, SQ3R, and other skills will keep learners focused and motivated as they read as well as help learners to see the text organization. Multiple readings also help learners remember and learn more and in many cases can actually be faster than reading the text straight.


© 2013 by Rebecca Stone

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